A1: Noir game


I had some look at shots from old noir movies and there seemed to be a lot of shots that involved just silhouettes and the scenes would mostly be gritty and dark.
I included the werewolf by night movie that marvel made 2 years ago, it may not be a noir movie but it has one object in it that has an accent of red that sticks out throughout the entirety of it so it has a huge significance.

Genesis Noir

This game stood out to me because of the white outlines on very limited character designs to imbue more mystery. With that the silhouettes in this picture were the main thing to interest me because they are very simplistic shapes but make you sense a weird aura around them.
The art style this game has, I really love. it reminds me of the night sky and all the characters look as if they're constellations in the night sky from the warm white colour to make the defining parts of the character visible. I would really love to incorporate this style or something similar upon making my game.
Genesis Noir has the aspects of 3-D and 2-D art in the game to make it more of an artistic journey through the cosmos. This game has you on a journey of love and emotion and mysteries to uncover.

The Batman
The Batman is more of a modern Noir but it follows the same topics of old ones, with dark and gritty moments and developed upon mystery. This movie has one of the grittiest live action batman yet with more of a realistic take on the character. As every Gotham city goes its completely corrupt with crime and problems around every turn but Bruce (batman) is determined to do what his family would want him to do for the city.

What I want to include:
.I want to include the level in a motel type of environment or a hotel with repeated hallways that feel like they go on forever.
.The game is all based on mystery you have to locate where certain clues are from audio cues.
.The game will feel as if you are dreaming with floating objects and a monotone energy around the environment
.The only things in the game that have colour are the clues you will have to pick up that will unlock the end of the game

Concept for vehicle
This is my concept to show what type of car I want in my Noir game, upon making it in maya the design may differ since this was a very rough concept. I got the idea to make this from my mood board.

Modelling of vehicle in Maya
I have put together my 1940s themed vehicle based from my quick concept sketch, this is in its un textured stages but I intend to keep it low-poly. In this model I used the cut tool to make complex shapes but keeping them as simple as possible. This asset will be one of many I will do, the game will have a collection of random things. I am really proud of how this has came out with it being my first ever vehicle I have ever modelled. This was only possible because I used the quick concept as a model guide so that I could get it right.

This car model was made with the use of many cubes that I used the slice tool on to get complex shapes, the ability of dragging the edges was used to make things like the front bumper and the pointy front of the car. This was also used on the base too, this made it pop more.
My full model in rotation.

Add on comment: I wish I could have mapped out the process of this vehicle but I got lost in the making because it was very complex to me.

Character Design
The character that will not be visible in game will be a low class citizen looking desperately for a place to stay and comes by this motel, so his clothes are not to look too expensive and just something he decided to throw on.
Very low detailed body sketch of this character in the T-pose to show of the outfit choice. This will be used to create the model itself. I feel like this could have been drawn this better but it was my first time drawing my character in this pose, so it deals as a basis of where to head with this character.
Designing a character this way was something new to me and if I can understand it better for future.
This one here is used as just art in general of this character to show expressions and his mood in a scene scenario. This character has a tone that fits this motel so they can work with some synergy to get a nice tone to the game and level.
I think this character concept fits the brief because his outfit is very monotone and isn't too special and it fits with the black and white 


I wanted my level to not feel too abandoned, this gives you the feeling like it could still be inhabited because of the subtle environment of a place where people would stay. The mystery in this feeling is what the idea of this game will explore.
This level meets the brief of the noir style because a building like a motel could have quite the monotone feel. My idea is that the flashy sign and words would lead you on for you to think its all fine when really the motel leads nothing but a plain eerie vibe.

This level will take place around an abandoned motel. You're the first visitor it has had in a while, and that adds to the mystery that anything could happen at anytime.
My original sketch of the motel was very quick and that was when I made the design for the sign, so I didn't intent on too much detail, it was just an idea.
This is a quick sketch up of a viewpoint from the side of the motel to add way more detail than the original concept and more of an in-depth idea of what I am trying to portray.

My motel model in Maya
This here is the base of my motel made out of two simply extruded and well placed cuboids to setup for what my motel will look like.
I modelled the balcony walkway of this motel by yet again using extruded cuboids but this time when I made the underbelly of the steps that lead upwards I extruded a face and rotated it to make a smooth bottom part.
Next I added foundation and roof detailing to add more depth to the walls and with this I used multiple extruded cubes to make this detail, nothing too complicated. Then when I did the roof I copied and pasted what I just did then dragged it down to the base.
I added actual steps to the ramp shape I had before since I work simple before extra detail, these steps are just copied and pasted cubes that I extruded. I think that This really makes it come together.
A gif showing a full rotation of what I have done for my motel.
After I finally finished the stairs I was able to begin making the barrier fence of the walkway, first I made posts from multiple cubes that a sized and extruded and then after that I added the fences themselves they were just a collection of copied and pasted cuboids that I thinned out to fit on the edge of the walkway. With this section done this adds depth into my model and it makes the model just that small bit better.
My full model rotation.

Motel Sign
Secondly I am going to model this sign I created this will later on be placed outside of a motel to fit the energy I am going for in this level, the sign will add the eerie vibe in which I want to pursue.

Motel sign in Maya
Upon making a cylinder I then extruded it to match the somewhat height I wanted my sign to be so I could begin detailing.
To make the light shade of a lamp on the sign I extruded a cube and then used the slice tool to put some separation on the cube so I could then drag the edges down to make part of the shade, you could say I then cross hatched the shapes over each other to get it to where you see it.
After the lampshade, I then moved onto the sign boards themselves. With these I just used cubes that were extruded in length but had a very small width to make it like a board. I made the cubes just randomly placed because it is meant to give off the energy that whoever was last at the motel did not have a care in the world.
My full model rotation.


Post mortem 
I think I could've been more productive to my group, because I didn't feel like I did much but in projects forward on, I will try harder
A positive from this is that my model creation has improved vastly and I'm able to make more complex things than I ever had before.
Through this entire Noir project I have picked up on how to properly place pictures from my models and from topic research, I have also learned how to describe the stages of my models so that it can be understood how I got to the stage the model is at, even though I didn't full stage the car model I know now for future that is how I will do things from now on.


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