A1: Independant game project

 Conquest's end

Mood board

This is a mood board I put together in order to think of a few of my possible concepts for my game. A mix of animals, locations and tools that could possibly make it into the game that I am wanting.


Down below are a plethora of concepts of how I want my game to feel and how immersive it can be while also sticking to the brief of it being in Sunderland.


These two detailed sketches are from two locations in Sunderland that I would like to include in my game, they both captivated me and I wanted to add my own dystopian touch to it.

These three are the main leads in the game. Larz is what would be a guide to tell you how to do stuff and tell you where to go to lead you on your journey, Coo is a messenger bird that will be always keeping and eye on you for the main villain of the game and that brings it to Dak the big bad that has taken over the city of Sunderland.


Today I modelled my villain called Dak or at least the beginning of what he will be.

I used the division 3 method to model just from a cube and make partly the head for one of my characters. I took advantage of inserting edge loops to make a more defined figure for my model, this makes it really interesting to look at.
I have now put together his neck fur and ears onto the head model to bring some shape and life into it.
I have now added the torso onto Dak, the other limbs such as the legs and arms will be built separately from it so they can be animated more cleaner rather than the polygons bending in strange ways.
Magic Weapon model
This is my basic wooden wand I have made for the game as the very first thing you would acquire to cast the spells, and it takes the look of a vampire stake but just for design purpose no special reason.
I have rendered and textured this wand it may not be mapped in the UV very well but I gave it the showing that it has been carved to look like a stake on the top and that it is made out of wood, for it to follow my mood board.
The wand is representing of hand crafted with rigidness and poor quality to show it doesn't mean much since its the first weapon available in the game.
Classes are used for many base things in your game that have multiple actions, and they consist of many types (int, string, float, void etc.) 
Putting all the info into a class is a term called encapsulation
. An int is and integer, a whole number
. A float includes decimal fractions, they are used for more precision in an action when an integer cannot provide that
This is my concept on the setting of what I want Sunderland's Wearmouth bridge to look like in the environment of my game to make it feel more magical and very different from the one known.
My level will take place on and around Wearmouth bridge it stood out to me, this is the foundation I have for the bridge before i begin the actual thing itself.
I have completed the whole bridge with the primitive shapes so it does not have the best of detail but it provides a starter to look at for what my game entails.
NavMesh npcs
I clicked on windows and scrolled down to AI to then click on navigation and it made a new menu appear, I then selected all my assets and made them static so that it improves Unity's performance and when I bake the assets it shows me where the AI can path find.
The coding for my enemies is done for them to be able to path find around my level and deal damage to the player.
I have made the code for the bullet and this will connect with the deletable so that the npc enemies can be attacked. 
The code for the gun is done and the it shows that if the left mouse button is down that it will shoot a bullet from the gun unto the enemy. This then finally completes the coding of the weapons interaction with the enemy.


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